
BABY PLAY - 4 Months Old - Rattle play

1) They teach cause and effect 2) They grab a baby’s attention  3) They encourage grasping skills 4) They can be used to promote gross motor milestones 5) They foster hand eye-coordination 6) They promote cognitive milestones 7) They help develop independent play 8) They provide tactile stimulation 9) They provide auditory (hearing) stimulation  10) They encourage exploration Babies have to learn everything from the minute they are born. They learn how to cry, talk, crawl and walk. By taking in the sights and sounds of the world around them they are able to develop physically and cognitively. Most of the learning that your little one will do will be from play and exploration.  Rattles are crucial to their cognitive development and can have a big impact on your baby’s learning.  Rattles from : PlayMat from :

Learn English - 3 Years Old

English Learning Apps provide learners with a lot of colorful pictures, videos and songs. Learning English is no longer limited to boring textbooks or simple printed sentences. Vivid pictures and entertaining melody in the videos and songs will keep the “young learners” motivated when listening and remembering how new words are pronounced. Moreover, their speaking skills can be improved naturally thanks to often listening to the pronunciation that is totally recorded by native speakers. Tool : Ipad Air 2 App : BitsBoard  Game : Learn English About Bitsboard app: Bitsboard  combines a number of strategies into one versatile and customizable app. The app includes flashcards, matching games, and visual multiple choice games on subjects ranging from a foreign language to instrument sounds. Users may download additional “boards” which are available in a variety of subjects at a differing levels of difficulty. Alternatively, users may also create and customize their own “boards” to use as te

BABY PLAY - 1 month old

I would like to share some tried and proven techniques in achieving baby's developmental milestones. This is all that we have tried for Amudhan and we are doing with Charmika paapa as well 😊😊 A blur and out of focus images is how a New Born sees the world. How do you connect with a person who is disconnected from the visible world.  How do you provide proper simulation for their brains to adapt and grow. Fun and easy ways to connect with the baby. Learning the world together. They are not going to talk , but they are listening to you. When you say , 'Are you hungry' and pause for a second , 1. They try to gravitate towards the toy that they like. This gives a connective touch to eye movement sensory. 2. Facetime - Get close to them and allow them to study your face. One thing that tends to make them engaged is a 'Face'. Usually a baby recognises the mother's face soon or to a voice that is familiar to the baby all through your pregnancy. Stay close to the bab